What is the Greek Genocide?
The Greek Genocide (or Ottoman Greek Genocide) refers to the systematic extermination of the native Greek (Rûm) subjects of the Ottoman Empire before, during and after World War I (1914-1923).
It was instigated by two successive governments of the Ottoman Empire; the İttihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti (Committee of Union and Progress or CUP) also known as the Young Turks and the Turkish Nationalist movement under the command of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
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“I wish to repeat that the consistent policy of the Turk, since the fall of Abdul Hamid, has been the expulsion, killing and elimination of the Christian races."
"The Turkish authorities frankly state their deliberate intention to exterminate the Greeks, and all their actions support these statements. At the present time fresh deportations and outrages are starting in all parts of Asia Minor, from the northern seaports to the southern districts."
“... Mustapha Kemal's Army ... celebrated their triumph by the burning of Smyrna to ashes and by a vast massacre of its Christian population...”
"Outrages and crimes committed of late, with the complicity of the authorities, against the Christian populations of Thrace and the horrible cruelties perpetrated against the Christians of Asia Minor, leave no doubt in our minds that the Orthodox population of the East has to content with a systematic and mature plan which menaces the population with complete annihilation."