Parliament of New South Wales (Australia), May 8, 2013.


Mr BARRY O'FARRELL (Ku-ring-gai—Premier, and Minister for Western Sydney) [12.35 p.m.], by leave: I move:

That this House:

(1) notes that on 17 April 1997 this House recognised and condemned the Genocide of the Armenians by the then Ottoman Government between 1915 and 1922, and designated 24 April of every year thereafter as a day of remembrance of the 1.5 million Armenians who fell victim to the first genocide of the twentieth century;

(2) recognises that Assyrians and Greeks were subjected to qualitatively similar genocides by the then Ottoman Government between 1915 and 1922;

(3) reaffirms its condemnation of the genocide of the Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks, and all other acts of genocide as the ultimate act of intolerance;

(4) recognises the importance of remembering and learning from such dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against humanity are not allowed to be repeated;

(5) acknowledges and pays tribute to the contribution of the Anzac servicemen who aided the survivors of the genocide; and

(6) acknowledges the significant humanitarian relief contribution made by the people of New South Wales to the victims and survivors of the genocide

Question—That the motion be agreed to—put and resolved in the affirmative.

Motion agreed to.

Legislative Assembly Hansard: 8 May 2013

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